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Year after year, the coated metal industry continues to innovate and inspire designers and architects with new aesthetical and color options that have reshaped consumer expectations. More than ever, b···
These days, it’s not uncommon to hear businesses from nearly every industry discuss “sustainability” or plans for a more sustainable future. As the term becomes more ubiquitous in today’s business···
The National Coil Coating Association Technology Committee has been investigating color measurement, color difference, and how best to establish meaningful color tolerances. “Color” is a small word,···
In the last post, Part One, we left off with two facts: We depend on a numerical description of color and color difference rather than judging a sample vs. a standard visually; and NCCA began to inves···
Parts One and Two of this series of posts on NCCA’s “The Color Project” discussed why we needed to run a visual assessment experiment and how we structured the study. You may recall that we created···
The Chinese electric vehicle giant BYD has seen its quarterly revenues soar, beating Tesla's for the first time.It posted more than 200bn yuan ($28.2bn, £21.8bn) in revenues between July and Sept···
Millions of Indians are celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights and one of the most important events in the Hindu calendar.The annual festival tends to fall between October and November, but the ex···
The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today may have declined to endorse a candidate in this year’s presidential election. But former President Donald Trump doesn’t see it that way.Speaking···